Affiliate Pay Disclosure


On this Website, certain products / services have links to those products / services, and are affiliate links, meaning we may earn commissions for any orders that you make through those links.  The commissions we may receive for providing the links, and/or giving our recommendations on products and/or services, come at no additional cost to you.

Some of the links will be in the form of clickable text with a URL, while others can be clickable text and an image with a URL, or just a clickable image with a URL.

We recommend those products and services to you because we believe in them,  and believe that they can help you to further Empower your life.  We only recommend products or services that we feel deliver value to you.  With full disclosure, of course, the E*Prospering Blog (owned and operated by Equious, LLC) is a for-profit enterprise, which means that we do attempt to earn income with this Website.

The advertisers of the aforementioned products / services may have values, ideals, and beliefs which are unknown to us, which may not necessarily represent the values, ideals, and beliefs of and Equious, LLC.

There may also be links for our Sister Website, which is our eBay Store, where our business will receive a small commission if you order one or more of our items.

So, with all that said, it is safe for you to assume that any text or image links leading you to products or services, are affiliate links, and that we may receive commissions because of your order(s), without additional cost to you.

All efforts are made to ensure that affiliate links are disclosed in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission guidelines.

Let us know if you have any questions.

Thank you.